This heightened movement works with the class's Engage Attack Override which lets the user dash through a line of enemies and deal damage so long as the user is wielding a sword or lance.

Once Engaged, The Ring of the Holy Knight gives the user an additional +5 to their movement range from Gallop and depending on their Battle Style, they gain more movement (Dragon Units gain +1 additional movement and Cavalry gain +2) and Covert Units remove terrain movement penalties if they can traverse it naturally. This is especially due to the class's emphasis on Lance Proficiency for those seeking to empower lance units in general like Knights and Pegasus Knight units.
Fire emblem engage emblem rings series#
For the most part, the ring works well with high mobility classes like Alfred's Noble class and series traditional Cavalier classes. The Ring of the Holy Knight is highlighted by high mobility thanks to the natural Canto skill from the start which can apply even to non-Cavalry units. Unit's engage meter is shortened one step. Grants Atk+10 at a cost of Avo-10 when using a lance. Grants Atk+1 to first attack during combat for each space unit moved before attacking. Grants Atk+8 at a cost of Avo-10 when using a lance. Required for promotion to certain classes. Grants Atk+6 at a cost of Avo-10 when using a lance. Grants Atk+4 at a cost of Avo-10 when using a lance.

Grants Atk+2 at a cost of Avo-10 when using a lance. Use to attack and move through a line of adjacent foes. 17 February 2016 Skills and Weapons Bond LevelĬovert: Unit does not pay extra movement cost on any terrain.